Towards an ambitious and sustainable climate future for Ghana: African Climate Reality Leaders’ position statement on Ghana’s Nationally Determined Contributions

Enhancing South Africa’s Nationally Determined Contributions:A Call for Increased Ambition, Financial Transparency, and Gender Responsiveness

The COP 101 resource is designed to help you understand the significance of the Conference of the Parties, its impact, and the importance of African voices in climate negotiations.

As countries prepare to update their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by February 10, 2025, there’s an important opportunity to ensure these plans are ambitious and reflect local community needs. We are excited to introduce the NDC Framework and Tracker, a tool designed to help you influence the NDC process. This Framework provides a clear guide to understanding how NDCs are developed and implemented, enabling Climate Reality Leaders and local communities to contribute and hold policy-makers accountable.

Alors que les pays se préparent à mettre à jour leurs Contributions Déterminées au niveau National (CDN) d’ici le 10 février 2025, il y a une opportunité importante de s’assurer que ces plans soient ambitieux et reflètent les besoins des communautés locales. Nous sommes ravis de vous présenter le cadre et le suivi des CDN, un outil conçu pour vous aider à influencer le processus des CDN. Ce cadre offre un guide clair pour comprendre comment les CDN sont élaborées et mises en œuvre, permettant aux Climate Reality Leaders et aux communautés locales de contribuer et de demander des comptes aux décideurs politiques. La révision des CDN est une occasion d’amplifier les voix locales et de façonner des politiques qui répondent aux besoins de ceux qui sont les plus touchés par le changement climatique en Afrique.

Local Conference of Youth South Africa 2024: National Youth Statement on the Just Transition

We are excited to present the National Youth Statement on the Just Transition – a collaborative effort by South Africa’s youth, presenting their vision for a fair and sustainable future. During the Local Conference of Youth South Africa 2024 (LCOY), young voices from across South Africa came together to craft this powerful statement. It outlines the key demands, priorities, and solutions from a youth perspective on how South Africa can achieve a green economy that leaves no one behind.