We must reject the government’s dirty energy plans

This year’s Integrated Resources Plan is horrifying

20 March 2024 | By Alex Lenferna, Ferron Pedro, Promise Mabilo, Motlatsi Makhasane and Bertha Letsoko

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy is trying to lock the public and Eskom into a dirty, expensive, and unreliable energy future, say the authors. Archive photo: Ashraf Hendricks

Earlier this year the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy published its draft Integrated Resources Plan (IRP) for public comment. The IRP lays out the government’s future energy plans, and for those reading carefully, the plan is horrifying.

The IRP is supposed to be a comprehensive document that outlines assumptions about electricity demand and supply, economic conditions, and costs of generating enough electricity to meet the needs of the country. It is meant to be a roadmap for South Africa’s energy future.

But it falls short in many ways.

Read the full article here: https://groundup.org.za/article/we-must-reject-the-governments-dirty-energy-plans/

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